Refried Beans (frijoles refritos)

Voici une recette de Costa Rica, qu'on m'a gentillement envoyée, extraite d'un livre de cuisine de Costa Rica directement importé par un couple de copains Costa Ricain, donc, de source sûre!!!

J'ai adoré, c'est super bon!! La recette à aussi été testée et validée par nos copains Costa Ricain.

La recette est en anglais, étant donné que mon blog à un moment ou à un autre sera en version bilingue... La version Française est donc à venir...

Ingredients (serves 6 as a side dish):

two cans of black beans (approx.430g) or 1 cup of dried black beans that you need to cook beforehand.
1 onion finely chopped
1 red bell pepper finely grated
1 large coriander twig, cut in large pieces
1 tsp sugar or honey
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper to taste.


In a blender or food processor, place the two cans of beans (without straining them or, if you use dried beans, add a little bit of water to the recipe), the onion, bell pepper, coriander, salt and peper, sugar or honey and Worcestershire sauce, and pulse until a smooth paste is obtained. If too thick, you may add some water, but be careful not to make it too thin.

Refried procedure:

2 tbs butter
1tbs olive oil
1/2 small onion grated

In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the butter with the olive oil and cook the onion. Add the bean paste and cook. Again if it looks too dry you can some water. Serve warm or at room temperature with tortillas (home made if possible, I'll post soon a receipt for it, I am still investigating one that is fitting my cooking style ;-) )

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